Port Orford Cedar Decking
Our cedar deck designs are constructed from native, Pacific Northwest Port Orford Cedar. As strength tests have shown, it’s the strongest decking material available for wood deck construction.
Port Orford cedar decking has a natural ability to withstand the toughest of external conditions. Where other decks may warp, rot, or cup as they expand and contract in seasonal temperatures, Port Orford’s superior sustainability can handle the elements like no other wood can.
Many cedars have a wide range of colors. However, Port Orford Cedar is renowned for its consistency. When first milled, Port Orford Cedar is very blond, and initial exposure to oxygen and UV light will turn Port Orford Cedar to a beautiful consistent gold tone. Prolonged exposure will result in a silver patina.

Looking for inspiration? Check out our project gallery below! For questions or to get started on your free estimate, call one of our locations or fill out our form.